Tribology in industry


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Izrada Tribološkog centra

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Tribology as modern multidisciplinary concept of solving contact problems is present in our Faculty almost from the very beginning of inauguration. Over the years the strong tribological school has been established on the Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac and became the center where numerous researchers gravitate in basic and border fields of tribology, which is expressed through series of activities. Respecting such activities level and very strong actuality of comprehending tribological problems as limiting factor in existing technologies and their further development, the Tribological center was established in 1998.

Basic activities of the Center are directed to:

Teaching – complete teaching is performed in the Center (lectures and exercises) of the following subjects: Fundamentals of Tribology, Tribo-mechanical systems, Mechanical operations and transportation systems, entrepreneurship and marketing.

Realization of scientific and technological projects from the fields of: Tribo-analyses, Tribo-material (especially in procedures of modification of contact surfaces), Tribo-technologies, Tribo-design, Tribo-monitoring (especially tribometry), Nano-tribology and Tribo-informatics.

Providing research and development services to the users from the field of economy: The solution of current problem of tribological nature in order to return technical systems from the failure condition to work condition; Preventive prevention of foreseen tribological problem in the new system in order to provide wanted work abilities of technical system; Classification of material,  forms of processing and modifying continual surfaces for the purpose of creating basis for selection in tribo-design phase; Research of wear mechanism in order to of developing material resistant to certain wearing type; Classification of lubrication oil – creating basis for oil selection which provides necessary system functionality; Material development or treatment which provides great wear resistance in order to ensure the profit to a certain company.

Transfer of existing and new knowledge to the users from the field of researching in the sphere of immediate production practice, through seminaries and suitable publicist activity.

Improving education on undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies from the field of tribology, nano-tribology, technology of surfaces and tribometry